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Results for "Martin Luther King"
Anniversary of the Nineteenth Amendment (PDP) Remembering the amendment that gave U.S. women the right to vote.
Birthday of Abraham Joshua Heschel (PDP) Quotes to remember the wisdom of this Jewish teacher, theologian, and social activist.
Birthday of Joan Baez (PDP) Celebrating the birthday of an American folksinger, songwriter, and activist.
Vision: Personal Explorations
Guardian Angels Day A special day to give thanks to guardian angels for being in our lives and watching over us.
Mohandas K. Gandhi Day (PDP) Celebrate by reading about his life, savoring some of his one-liners, and watching the Academy Award-winning film.
Birthday of James Baldwin (PDP) Saluting the artistic genius and prophetic insights of the black social critic.
Birthday of Will D. Campbell (PDP) A review of the civil rights and reconciliation activism of the Protestant progressive who was also the chaplain to the KKK.
Peace: E-Courses
A Litany for All Saints Day A litany, written for the arrival of the millennium, that is also appropriate for All Saints Day.